BG 7: Knowledge of the Absolute play_arrow share playlist_add email close 4 BG 7.1 – Attaining the stage of Asakti through the process of hearing Sandha Devi Dasi February 18, 2023 audio-lectures
BG 7: Knowledge of the Absolute play_arrow share playlist_add email close 4 audio-lectures BG 7.1 – Attaining the stage of Asakti through the process of hearing Sandha Devi Dasi February 18, 2023
BG 7: Knowledge of the Absolute play_arrow share playlist_add email close 6 audio-lectures BG 7.1 – Clearing obstacles on the path of devotion Sandha Devi Dasi February 18, 2023
BG 7: Knowledge of the Absolute play_arrow share playlist_add email close 6 audio-lectures BG 7.2 Sandha Devi Dasi February 18, 2023
BG 7: Knowledge of the Absolute play_arrow share playlist_add email close 6 audio-lectures BG 7.2-3 Sandha Devi Dasi February 18, 2023
BG 7: Knowledge of the Absolute play_arrow share playlist_add email close 3 audio-lectures BG 7.3 Sandha Devi Dasi February 18, 2023
BG 7: Knowledge of the Absolute play_arrow share playlist_add email close 5 audio-lectures BG 7.4 – Real principle of Vairagya Sandha Devi Dasi February 18, 2023
BG 7: Knowledge of the Absolute play_arrow share playlist_add email close 6 audio-lectures BG 7.4 – Real principle of Vairagya (with hindi translation) Sandha Devi Dasi February 18, 2023
BG 7: Knowledge of the Absolute play_arrow share playlist_add email close 4 audio-lectures BG 7.7 – Absolute Truth is a Person Sandha Devi Dasi February 18, 2023
Apr play_arrow share playlist_add email close 7 audio-lectures BG 7.12 – Implications of Material Existence Sandha Devi Dasi February 18, 2023