BG 7: Knowledge of the Absolute play_arrow share playlist_add email close 9 audio-lectures BG 7.19 – Initiation – Process of Surrender and Submission Sandha Devi Dasi February 18, 2023
BG 7: Knowledge of the Absolute play_arrow share playlist_add email close 12 audio-lectures BG 7.24 and BG 9.11 Sandha Devi Dasi February 18, 2023
BG 7: Knowledge of the Absolute play_arrow share playlist_add email close 4 audio-lectures BG 7.30 Sandha Devi Dasi February 18, 2023
BG 8: Attaining the Supreme play_arrow share playlist_add email close 5 audio-lectures BG Chapter 8 and Beginning of Chapter 9 Discussion Sandha Devi Dasi February 21, 2023
BG 8: Attaining the Supreme play_arrow share playlist_add email close 4 audio-lectures BG 8.1 Sandha Devi Dasi February 21, 2023
BG 8: Attaining the Supreme play_arrow share playlist_add email close 4 audio-lectures BG 8.8 – Damodar Lila – Chanting of the Holy Name Sandha Devi Dasi February 21, 2023
BG 8: Attaining the Supreme play_arrow share playlist_add email close 5 audio-lectures BG 8.11-13 – Factors that determine soul’s destination Sandha Devi Dasi February 21, 2023
BG 8: Attaining the Supreme play_arrow share playlist_add email close 4 audio-lectures BG 8.11-13 – Factors that determine soul’s destination (Hindi translation) Sundarananda Das February 21, 2023
BG 8: Attaining the Supreme play_arrow share playlist_add email close 6 audio-lectures BG 8.14 – solution of all problems – attachment to Krsna Sandha Devi Dasi February 21, 2023